Pantry Pre-Registration for Tolland Country Residents

To register for the pantry, please fill out the form below. After filling out the form, you are welcome to start shopping at the pantry anytime during our pantry hours.

If you would like assistance filling out the form, you may come to the pantry during pantry hours and let us know you would like to sign up for the pantry, or you can schedule a quick needs assessment with a case manager for assistance.

You must be a Tolland Country Resident to utilize our Food Pantry Services.

Welcome to our Food Pantry! We're here to offer support and assistance when it’s needed most.

Please note:

If you do not fall within the listed federal income guidelines in the form, this does not affect your eligibility for the Food Pantry overall. Clients that do not meet these guidelines should not take food items with a TFAP label on them. You are welcome to all other food in our pantry.

To view the full federal tefap form, please click here.